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Why Red Fortress is Uniquely Qualified to Be Your Top Choice for Property Management.
Most landlords or real estate investors do not realize that many companies they are calling CANNOT solve their particular problems! It is FRUSTRATING to us.
How can we say that?
Every second call for management to Red Fortress is from a person- like you- that does not have a good relationship with the company. They do not hear from their agent when they call or there are unexplained maintenance costs that just don’t make sense. Or their property has sat vacant for a while or was even ready to ready and not advertised.
Most of the time, they did not know the differences between a real estate agent, Realtor, property manager and a professional property manager and how difficult property management is. They turned their valuable real estate- $200,000 or $400,000 or more- to someone who does not specialize.
We are and we focus 100% on property management.
We have a different relationship with our owners which will make you more money.
We share the risk with you and your rental property (you are not alone sharing the risk). We focus on property management like no one else which means you do not have to worry. We have legitimate, professional awards from organizations that no one else has or comes close to and this protects you and your real estate.
We amplify your protection with our 5 step Protection System which is unique and that we use for our own rental properties (that’s right- every system for our properties is available to you in the same way)!
So let us talk a bit about how we work at guaranteeing you a great experience and results!
If you like, you can come see us at our Cape Coral office located at: 1542 NE 4th Ter, Cape Coral, FL 33909!
Get In Touch With Us
Owner or Renter?
Not Sure What You Can Charge For Your Rental?
Find Out Now With Our Free Rental Analysis Report! No Obligations, Just Free Information.

Why Hire Us Vs. Self-Managing
You’ll make more money – and spend less time maintaining your investment.
Some people assume that property management is expensive - but that’s not the case at all. We share the risks with you (even some income!) and are focused on property management all the time. We could write a book (and we may) where people decided to do-it-themselves and it cost them thousands to tens-of-thousands of dollars. In addition, not only will you prevent losing a large amount of money but you will actually make more money in the long run due to better quality tenants that stay longer in our rental homes.
Eliminate the constant run around & stress.
It is a full time job dealing with repairs, complaints, collecting rent and coordinating vendors. Transferring these responsibilities to a good property manager allows you to enjoy the benefits without spending all your free time working.
Better screening process = better tenants.
Because of our application tools and extensive resources, we can screen more tenants, and with more filters, ensuring you get the best renter for your investment. We often have a waiting list of potential renters and our eviction rate is extremely low.
Free ConsultWe Handle Everything...
Finding new renters quickly is essential. We list your property for rent quickly, refer prospective renters to your property and we even pre-lease your home to help you make money!
Tenant Screening
At Red Fortress, we know the right tenant makes a big difference. We have a unique approach which includes investigative reporting to keep the chance of eviction less than 0.5%.
Rent Collection
Automate your rent collection process with our team working on your behalf. We handle all billing and funds collection & your earnings show up in your account monthly!
Maintenance is an important issue for you and your resident. Our systems are designed to attract the correct vendor who can communicate with us and get the work completed quickly and cost efficiently.
It's never been easier to keep a handle on your financial performance. You can go to your online account and see your financial account with us any time!
Legal Protection
One of our values is education. Red Fortress understands how to protect you and your property from changing laws and regulations. It is as essential as collecting your rent!
...So You Can Do More Of What You Love
Contact UsOur Client Reviews Speak For Themselves
Cape Coral Property Management Services"Realty Services managed our rental properties for a number of years until it was sold. They did a very excellent job of keeping the units rented, of providing necessary services for the rental customers and remitting net proceeds to me each month in a timely fashion along with a complete and understandable statement. I would not hesitate to recommend Their services to anyone."
Cape Coral Property Management Services"We loved working with Michael and his team for 17 years. We just sold our rental home in N. Ft. Myers, and Realty Services were wonderful to work with. If we ever get property in FL again, we will for sure use their services. Thank you Michael!"
Cape Coral Property Management Services"Thank you for the last 13 years of service. All I can say is you have been very reliable and helpful in a time of need and you have done an excellent job."

Why Invest In Cape Coral, FL
Waterfront Wonderland
Known as 'the Cape' by locals, the gorgeous city of Cape Coral was first developed as a master-planned community in 1958. This peninsula has become the hub for fun and fitness in southwestern Florida. The Caloosahatchee River is a playground for water lovers. Kayak rentals are ready and waiting at The Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve. Joe Stonis Park, Saratoga Lake Park and Lake Kennedy Park include fitness stations as a part of the local FIT program.
What Makes Cape Coral a Wise Choice for Passive Income Investment
With the abundance of activities that this community affords, a Cape Coral rental is always in high demand. The Cape Coral Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide range of events throughout the year. The Sounds of Jazz and Blues is a city-wide celebration of music. The Tour De Cape is an event that sponsors bike tours in the northwest and southwest regions of the community. Sportfishing opportunities, birding, sandy beaches and wooded trails scattered around the city make it an outdoor enthusiast's dream. Who wouldn't want to call a Cape Coral rental 'home?'
Seniors have discovered the desirability of Cape Coral. The Yacht Club Community Park is home to The Tony Rotino Center where locals, ages 55 and up gather for social exchange, physical health classes and special events. The retirement community in Cape Coral is alive and well. When looking for a rental, many seniors turn to a Cape Coral property management company.
The School District of Lee County aims for high-performance standards. The rigorous yet personalized academic agenda appeals to parents desiring to prepare their children for higher education. There are a wide variety of educational options in grades k-12. These factors make Cape Coral a sound choice for passive income investment. A Cape Coral property management company will work efficiently to bring together available properties with these families.
Red Fortress Property Management Works for You
The experts at Red Fortress Property Management have years of real estate experience in Cape Coral. We are familiar with the local neighborhoods, services and schools. If you are investing in a Cape Coral property, our knowledgeable staff will be here to handle the day-to-day oversight. Our ability to create flexible management packages ensures the satisfaction of our clients. Relax, and put Red Fortress Property Management to work for you.
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